Air Fryer Pretzel Bites (Easy and Simple)

Are you looking for a new snack? I’ve got your back. The Air Fryer Pretzel Bites are incredibly simple to make and taste fantastic!

Who needs frozen or store-bought pretzels when you can make your own in minutes?

They are crispy on the outside and have a soft doughy texture when digging into them, just like a pretzel should be.

Then sprinkle each one with pretzel salt, and you’re in for a real treat. This recipe is ideal for an after-school snack, a game-day treat, or whenever you need the ideal party appetizer!

This recipe has several steps, so be sure to read it thoroughly before starting.

Pretzels in a basket
Pretzels are crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside.

Ingredients Needed To Make Air Fryer Pretzel Bites

Here is the good news, this pretzel recipe requires no special ingredients. It only requires six simple ingredients that you most likely already have in your pantry.

The other two ingredients, coarse salt, and melted butter are used to finish the pretzels.


  1. Water
  2. Yeast
  3. Flour
  4. Sugar
  5. Baking Soda
  6. Salt
  7. Butter

Water is required for the production of bread. When working with active dry yeast, it is necessary to rouse the yeast from its dormancy by providing it with warm water and food (sugar).

The water temperature should be warm enough to activate the yeast, but not so hot that it kills it. Water temperatures between 105° and 110 °F are ideal for proofing active dry yeast.

The most common yeast used in bread baking is an active dry yeast. It has small granules and must be activated with water.

When activated, it produces frothy bubbles, indicating whether it is active or not. If your yeast is old and inactive after 5-6 minutes, discard it and replace it with a new jar of yeast.

You can use fresh yeast if you want to but it is not recommended to use instant yeast or dry yeast for this recipe.

In the end, a brush of melted butter and a sprinkle of coarse salt top off the pretzel bites. For a sweet treat, roll them in cinnamon sugar. You can use either unsalted or salted butter.


• In a large mixing bowl, combine 1 1/2 cups warm water and the sugar. Scatter the yeast on top and mix it in briefly with a spoon. Allow for 4-5 minutes for the yeast to become active and frothy.

• Next, add the flour and salt to the bowl and combine the dough with a dough hook. If it seems too dry, add 2 Tablespoons of water.

• Knead the combined dough by hand for 2-3 minutes on a clean counter. Place it in a well-oiled bowl (1/2 Tablespoon olive oil)

• Once it has formed a smooth, but slightly sticky ball. Allow the dough to rest in the bowl, covered, for 30 minutes.

• Fill a large saucepan (at least 5 quarts) with 4 cups water and bring to a boil over high heat after 20 minutes.

• Add 1/4 cup baking soda to the boiling water with care. Take caution because it will quickly bubble and rise. Place the dough on a clean work surface or baking mat.

Air fryer Pretzels
Air fryer Pretzel bites are greatly loved by kids.

• Divide the dough into 44 uniform balls using a 1 1/2 Tablespoon cookie dough scoop. You can divide the dough with a tablespoon, taking care to keep the dough balls uniform in size.

• Put 4-5 dough balls in a pot of boiling water. Boil for 30 seconds, then remove and repeat the process.

Preheat the air fryer to 390 F and line it with parchment paper just before adding the dough balls when you have 12 boiled dough balls. But, do not leave the parchment paper in the running air fryer.

• Bake the dough balls for 3 minutes at 390 F in the air fryer, then flip and bake for another 4 minutes.

• Brush the top with melted butter and sprinkle with sea salt or coarse salt.

• Boiling, baking, and brushing with the remaining dough balls should be repeated

Check out the following video to know more about it.

Air Fryer Pretzel Bites.

Recipe Tips

Read through these recipe tips before making pretzel bites in the air fryer so you know what to expect.

  • You don’t need to thaw the frozen pretzel bites or spray them with oil before putting them in the air fryer
  • If you want to add coarse salt, first brush the frozen pretzel bites with water before sprinkling the salt on top. This way, it will adhere to the pretzel bites rather than flying around in the air fryer.
  • Because each air fryer cooks differently and each brand (if you’re using one) of pretzel bites differs slightly, you’re cooking time may vary.
  • Keep an eye on these pretzel bites near the end of cooking because they can quickly go from perfectly browned on the outside to too dark!

Nutritional Information

Saturated Fat1g
Unsaturated Fat1g
Air Fryer Pretzel Bites Nutritional Information.

Can You Freeze The Dough Of Pretzels?

If you do not want to make the entire amount, the dough can be frozen before cooking. If you have a great portion of dough but only need a few then you can easily freeze the dough to use throughout the month.

Once the dough has been formed into balls, place it on a plate lined with parchment paper. Then, you can carefully place the plate into a freezer storage bag. This can be frozen for up to 30 days.

You don’t have to thaw them out in the refrigerator overnight before cooking. Before cooking in the air fryer, start with the baking soda bath.

Why Baking Soda Bath Is Required?

Pretzels on a stand - all ready to be sold.
Pretzel bites on a stand – all ready to be sold.

To make the air fryer pretzel bites, place them into a baking soda or hot water bath for a short period right before cooking.

This is what will give the pretzels the darker brown, chewy crust on the outside. If this step is skipped they wouldn’t turn out nice.


In summary,

  • There is no need to thaw pretzel bites in the refrigerator before putting them in the air fryer.
  • Brush some water on the pretzel bites before sprinkling salt on them, as it will help the salt to adhere to the bites.
  • The cooking time of pretzel bites depends upon the model of the air fryer.
  • Watch closely the pretzel at the end of the cooking process so that they don’t turn too dark.

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